
    The nitrogen-fixing (NF) clade is an angiosperm group comprising four orders: Fabales, Rosales, Fagales, and Cucurbitales. Species capable of root nodule symbiosis, which fix nitrogen through intracellular symbiosis with NF bacteria within nodules, are exclusively present within the NF clade.

    This database hosts 11 newly generated high-quality genomes from the NF clade, including Alnus trabeculosa, Cercis chinensis, Chamaecrista pumila, Platyosprion platycarpum, Duparquetia orchidacea, Senna septemtrionalis, Lysidice rhodostegia, Zenia insignis, Coriaria nepalensis, Elaeagnus umbellata, and Polygala tatarinowii.

    We provide here batch download and Jbrowse access to all these genomes, as well as resolved gene trees and ortholog information.


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