Duparquetia orchidacea


      Duparquetia orchidacea (Fabaceae, Fabales) is the single species belongs to Duparquetioideae subfamily. It distributes in West and West-Central of Africa. This species is not able to form root nodules.

Genus Duparquetia
Species Duparquetia orchidacea Baill.
Assembly Level Scaffold
Chromosome Number -
Genome Size 470.9 Mb
Contig N50 61.8 Kb


       A hybrid assembly was first built using a combination of 20.25 Gb ONT long reads (PromethION sequencer (ONT, UK) for 48 hours at Wuhan Benagen Technology Co., Ltd. (Wuhan, China)) and 98.94 Gb short reads (MGISEQ-2000) by MaSuRCA v4.0.6 6. The resulting assembly was then polished by mapping clean short reads to the genome by bwa v0.7.17-r1188 and polished with nextpolish v1.1.0 with "task = best".


       For genome annotation, the repeat masked genome was annotated with GeMoMa pipeline v1.7.1 with annotations from A. thaliana (TAIR10), M. truncatula (MtrunA17r5.0), and Z. insignis. Three predicted sets were merged with GeMoMa GAF module v1.7.1 to produce final annotations.


Fasta file Duparquetia_orchidacea.fa
GFF3 file Duparquetia_orchidacea.gff3
CDS file Duparquetia_orchidacea.cds
Protein file Duparquetia_orchidacea.pep
geneID geneName chrid start end strand